Risks Of Getting A Massage There are also certain bad sides when it comes to massage, which is largely due to some health challenges. But generally, massage is risky for: Those with some kind of bleeding disorder or are on blood-thinning medication. Those who have burns or wounds Those suffering from deep vein thrombosis Those.
Mundo Valez Olford — My wife owns this salon, she does excellent work on ladies styles. She also makes wigs! Owner is Tammie Olford, days of service
A: We are in the midst of a full restoration of Izba Spa Denver after a fire caused enough smoke damage to necessitate a full rebuild. We want to offer treatments to our clients and keep Izba alive, all while exploring some new and exciting therapies!
Rj — 90 minute massage, body scrub. My first time here. Fantastic experience. Deep massage was on point! The facility is under