Hello, my name is Hon K. Lee. I'm a Herndon Virginia Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine providing safe, gentle and effective treatments. I specialize in treating infertility, skin disorders, back pain, high cholesterol, respiratory problems, allergies, anxiety, depression, hypertension, headaches, diabetes, and many other ailments.
Jessie East — Dr. Lee has made a big difference in my life. First, his acupuncture treatments made it possible for me to avoid surgery
For a complete bio, including educational background and healing philosophy, simply call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you. Studied Law in London, England. Professional photographer for 35+ yrs in London and New York. Specializes in chronic muscle and joint pain relief using a combination of eastern medicine and western science.
Shuchita — Terrible experience: didn't have the attire for a Thai massage to begin with! They don't accept credit cards or digi cash