Five element acupuncture works in harmony with nature to promote your health and longevity. It is the classical method of acupuncture handed down orally from master to student, from antiquity, delivering an exceptional approach to health and wellness. Five element acupuncture assesses your innate strengths to identify the root cause of your condition.
Reviews (8)
Vimal Sharma
Apr 30, 2021
Naveen Jha
Mar 21, 2021
Jyoti Mathur
Mar 03, 2021
Pradeep Bhattacharya
Jan 04, 2021
Raj Kumar Goyal
Nov 29, 2020
Bad service while we sent there for test. They had to made us wait for 1 hour. They are not like professionals. Test results are not correct. Machine is out dated. Artimis hospital doctor rejected the report and we tested again from somewhere else. Finally report not matched and it was wrong. So time waste. Treatment late. Paid again.
Anuj Sharma
Oct 24, 2020
Kulddep Panchal
May 04, 2020
Dinesh Bharia
Apr 07, 2020
I had been facing headaches and dizziness from past 2 months. Went to multiple doctors with not much help. Here I was able to focus on the right set of exercises and have found relief. I really appreciate all the hard work done by Dr Ashish and I would strongly recommend any one who is in pain or discomfort to surely try coming here.