Nestled in a rural setting in a converted barn lies the finest kept secret in Placer County. Established in 2001 as a one-woman operation, the company is now home to several of the best wellness practitioners in Northern California. The spa provides a range of therapeutic massages, skincare and detoxification therapies, as well as permanent cosmetics, designed to inspire customers to take wellness
Kathy Randazzo — I absolutely love the services I receive at Rejuvenate spa with Kaera. She is kind, compassionate and has healing hands.
While the names are similar, Lomi bodywork is different from the Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage. Using multiple techniques and modalities, I help clients discover the illusions/perceptions in their life that are holding them back and finding the strength to change and heal on their life's journey. The Dragonfly and Bear, as symbolized in my logo are reflective of the healing journey and the essense of