Reports continue to roll in each year that mark the benefits of massage on physical, mental and emotional health. Yet most individuals neglect to make therapeutic massage a part of their monthly routines. Just like any other health management system, such as chiropractic, dentistry and well check ups, massage therapy works best when you are able to see your therapist regularly. That is why I have created a system in my practice that allows you to control your spending while getting regular care in my office.
Many spas and bodywork businesses are focused on new clientele, organic customers and sales driven business. This is how my practice is different from others. Of course I am always very pleased to see a new face in my practice and I am elated to work with newcomers and vacationers. However, I am dedicated to my community and my neighbors. One of my greatest goals in my practice is to see every client be able to schedule regular massage appointments without feeling guilty for spending money.
From pro bona work that I do in the area for those in need through my Community Program called Ministry of Touch, to the dynamic fee programs I use in my practice to make massage affordable, I am in touch with the lives and needs of those in our community and I work hard to serve our beautiful home towns.
I believe that massage should be personal. I just don't believe that going to the spa should be like visiting a stranger who will perform an expensive service and won't remember your name in a month. In my practice--it is personal. I care about your needs and goals for your therapeutic services and I go the extra mile to make sure you leave my office knowing that you got the very best for your time and money.
I love my work and I care deeply about the needs of my clients. It is important to me to keep massage therapeutic in every way. And that means for the wallet and the mind--as well as the body and spirit. I encourage you to give massage a try. I will even give you a 20-minute session FREE so you can experience for yourself how much better your body will feel when you incorporate massage into your lifestyle.

Betty J. Humphrey
Betty graduated in 2003 from the Virginia School of Massage in Charlottesville, Va. and has since been in practice as part of a successful chiropractic office in the Harrisonburg, Va. area. Betty is proud her clients regularly refer friends to her, in addition to relying on her healing hands over the years themselves.
"I remind clients that our bodies were made wonderfully to heal themselves and that we just need to put them in the correct environment in order for healing to occur," says Betty. The massage therapist says she loves the fact that at the end of each day she has fulfilled her mission to reduce or eliminate pain.
"I remind clients that our bodies were made wonderfully to heal themselves and that we just need to put them in the correct environment in order for healing to occur," says Betty. The massage therapist says she loves the fact that at the end of each day she has fulfilled her mission to reduce or eliminate pain.

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